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Véronique Riffault


Research experience

since jan.2006

Dept Chimie et Environnement / Ecole des Mines de Douai, Douai,France
Assistant professor - Topic: Study of the composition of particulate organic matter

(nov. to june)

Aeronomy Laboratory / NOAA, Boulder, CO, USA
Postdoctorate research - Topic: Study of atmospheric processes

1999-2002 Combustion and Reactive Systems Laboratory (LCSR), CNRS, Orléans, France
PhD research - Topic: Study of halogenated radical reactions of atmospheric interest

Determined rate constants and mechanisms of reactions involving brominated and chlorinated radicals in relation to ozone stratospheric budget and tropospheric oxidizing power, using a discharge flow reactor coupled with mass spectrometry

(feb. to june)

LCSR, CNRS, Orléans, France
Postgraduate research - Topic: Study of brominated compounds involved in the stratospheric ozone budget

Determined rate constants of the reactions OH+HBr and its isotopic variants ; led a preliminary study of the BrO+OH reaction, using a discharge flow reactor coupled with mass spectrometry

List of Publications



1999-2002 PhD Thesis in Chemistry
October, 2002
University of Orléans, France

Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies (DEA, 5th year postgraduate degree)
in Chemistry of Atmospheric Pollution and Environmental Physics

with the highest honors (top of 1999 class, awarded for PhD grant)
University of Orléans, France

1996-1998 Maîtrise (equivalent to M.Sc.)
in Chemistry, major in Energetics and Environment

with honors
Licence (equivalent to B.S.) in Chemistry
University of Orléans, France
1994-1996 Diplôme d'Etudes Universitaires Générales (DEUG, 2nd year degree)
in Matter Sciences, major in Chemistry

with honors
University of Orléans, France
1993-1994 Baccalauréat C (French high school diploma) in Mathematics and Physics
with honors
Lycée du Bourdon Blanc Orléans, France


Other work experience


University of Orléans, France
Teaching assistant: participation in the 1st year analytical chemistry course

(april to august)

Lig'Air (air quality monitoring network in Région Centre), Orléans, France
Maîtrise internship : parameterization of computer software and statistical study of air quality in Orléans ; pollutant safety level monitoring and alarm system management


Other skills

Languages French (native tongue), English (fluent), German (basic)
Computer skills Softwares: Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Publisher, Grapher, Facsimile
some experience in programming in TurboPascal and HTML


Community involvement

Association des Doctorants en Sciences d'Orléans (ADSO, postgraduate students association)
executive officer, co-editor of the ADSO gazette

Association "Noël des Isolés" ("Christmas for Lonely People")
executive officer, vice-secretary
organization of midnight suppers (3 centers, 400 guests, 150 volunteers)

Association FranceGenWeb
volunteer for MémorialGenWeb (web project gathering information through memorials and graves about French soldiers killed during wars)